NEAC Online Exam Application Assistance

NEAC Online Exam Application Assistance

NEAC Medical Exams Application Center Inc. is an innovative pioneer medical exams application center that offers easy and fast exam applications for NCLEX RN or PN, NMC UK, NMBI, NPTE, US Certified Medical Coders Exam, Dataflow, HAAD Exam, and Prometric Exam from anywhere in the world since 2007, with nearly 55,000 medical professionals licensed with their assistance. And it will do all the work for your exam application for the best price to avoid financial losses and delays that may cause rejections of your application.

Below are the steps to start your online exam application assistance with NEAC:

STEP 1: Talk to our Online Specialist

We want to make sure that you qualify for the exam you are planning to apply for and know your options in choosing the best exam or state to get licensed internationally; this will also prevent you from losing valuable time and money. For that, we will assign you to one of our experienced online agents. After the initial screening, the agent will give you valuable information via email or other forms of communication regarding your application. It includes qualifications, state requirements and which state may fit your goals based on your level of education, work experience, career goals or objectives, processing time, and budget etc. Don't worry. We do everything to fill out all the related forms, give you the requirements, send your documents and applications to the boards, exam coordinators, credential evaluators and even submit your payments to the related departments.

STEP 2: Fill out your online pre-application form

Starting the process is very easy. There is a short form for you to fill out, don't worry about you and your nursing school information. Once you submit the form, you will have a free instant account with us.

STEP 3: Pay the necessary fees needed

Once we have already determined if you are qualified to apply to your preferred exam, your online agent will assist you regarding the payment method. You can pay via credit card, bank transactions, or any other payment modes available on NEAC platforms. NEAC guarantees that you will receive the best quality exam application assistance for the best price without hidden charges.

STEP 4: Complying with the requirements
As there are different processes for each licensure application, NEAC will assist you in determining the requirements you need to comply with by filling out all the related application forms on your behalf and sending out your documents to the authorized institutions that will review your exam application.

STEP 5: Checking of exam application status to NEAC

NEAC has more than a decade of experience in processing exam applications, and its expert licensing consultants have assisted thousands of applicants. We also have quality assurance officers who do multi-level proof-checking of your licensure application to prevent mistakes and delays that could eventually cause financial losses or rejection of your application. At the same time, NEAC provides every applicant with a dedicated login account to track their online licensure application progress 24/7, with frequent status updates via email. Our services are 100% safe, and we always complete the process successfully, or get your money back.

We are looking forward to assisting you in achieving your professional career goals!