MOPH (Qatar) Application

What do you need to know about the DHP MOPH exam?
The QCHP exam, now known as the DHP MOPH exam, is a statewide exam for healthcare professional licenses in Qatar. This exam is administered by the Department of Healthcare Professions (DHP) Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) State of Qatar, which controls the country’s general health system and manages medical practitioners' professional licensing. But keep in mind that there are several sets of DHP MOPH exam application requirements depending on the candidate's Professional Qualification Requirements or PQR, which vary by profession.
How to apply for the DHP MOPH exam?
The following are the phases of DHP MOPH application process for foreign healthcare candidates:
STEP 1: DHP MOPH Exam Scheduling Phase
- The pre registration and confirmation of a candidate's DHP MOPH exam schedule is the DHP MOPH exam booking and scheduling phase. At this point, you should study the DHP MOPH exam pattern and prepare for the DHP MOPH exam questions that may appear on your exam. This is the right time to sign up for a review course if you haven't already.
STEP 2: Take the DHP MOPH Exam
- On the day of your exam, bring appropriate forms of identification and arrive at the test center at least 45 minutes before your planned test time for orientation and check in. You will be turned away if you arrive late or without appropriate identification at the test center, and you will have to re register for exam scheduling. You'll have to pay for a second DHP MOPH exam fee as well.
STEP 3: Claim your DHP MOPH Exam Result
- Candidates can view their official exam results online. There are just two possible outcomes on the DHP MOPH exam: pass or fail. There are no passing scores for the Qatar Prometric Exam, and results are available immediately following the test taker's exam.
STEP 4: DHP MOPH Dataflow Application Phase
The DHP MOPH dataflow, also known as the Primary Source Verification (PSV) application phase, is a highly dependable background screening approach that involves immediate verification of a candidate's personal or professional credentials from the source that issued them. The requirements for DHP MOPH Dataflow differ based on the candidate's profession. Therefore, please make sure the information you will provide in your application is correct. Any discrepancy may raise a red flag.
- A candidate's Dataflow report may indicate one of two DHP MOPH Dataflow status results: either positive or negative. Each candidate who submitted documents for verification will be given a unique DHP MOPH Dataflow login details to use as a reference.
From searching the application requirements for the DHP MOPH exam and other qualifications can be overwhelming especially to foreign healthcare candidates who are not acquainted with or had no knowledge in applying for the DHP MOPH exam. Due to this licensure application process for DHP MOPH, candidates are advised to seek assistance from a specialized application preparation center like NEAC Medical Exams Center. NEAC is an innovative pioneer medical exams application center that offers easy and fast exam applications for DHP MOPH and will do all the work for your DHP MOPH application for the best price to avoid financial losses and delays that may cause rejections of your application.
For further inquiries about the requirements, qualifications, and fees for the DHP MOPH Exam Application, kindly email us at
Yes, all medical professionals can apply to the Qatar exam application as long as they meet all the requirements and qualifications needed for the exam application.
The DPH MOPH exam can be processed online, and candidates don't need to visit Qatar and apply personally to the licensing authority to process their DPH MOPH exam application.
Prometric has different test centers internationally. Candidates from various countries worldwide will be able to register, schedule and sit for the exams in their home countries or the nearest testing site available for examination.
Retakes are possible for the OMSB exam, and a candidate can reprocess their exam scheduling process.
DPH MOPH Dataflow report can transfer and reciprocate to other Middle East licensure applications such as HAAD, DHA, OMSB, MOH, and NHRA dataflow reports and even vice versa. If a candidate already has a Dataflow report is issued to the stated exam application above, then it can be processed along with the accounts and proof of documents of the candidate's Dataflow report.
A candidate can take the Qatar Prometric without receiving approval from the Qatar Licensing Authority. But a candidate can only take the Qatar Prometric without receiving approval from the Qatar Licensing Authority once the candidate met the certain requirements needed in taking the examination.
No, the DPH MOPH examinations are only available in English.
The candidate's official exam results are given after taking the examination in their scheduled testing area.
No, candidates who hold a Diploma of Masters in Nursing (MAN) are not exempted from the exam and are still required to take and pass the DPH MOPH exam.
There are two DHP MOPH exam results, either pass or fail only and are available immediately following the test taker's exam.