How can the Candidate Performance Report help you ace your next NCLEX exam?

The road to your USRN dream is long and winding. It requires a great deal of planning, effort, and money. Failing the NCLEX RN as the final step toward earning it can be devastating. But it would help if you remembered that this is only a setback and does not mean you have lost all hope of achieving your #USRNDream. Always remember that you finished your nursing degree, passed your local board exam, and still have plenty of chances to pass the NCLEX.
And your new secret weapon is the Candidate Performance Report (CPR) in passing your exam on your next attempt. Exam lapses can be checked using the NCLEX Candidate Performance Report (CPR). The CPR is a unique document that details a candidate's NCLEX exam performance.
Learn more about the NCLEX CPR and how it can help you pass your upcoming NCLEX exam in this blog.
What is the NCLEX Candidate Performance Report?
The NCLEX Candidate Performance Report or NCLEX CPR is a personalized two-page document that the test-takers will receive if they do not pass the NCLEX. The NCLEX CPR gives information about how well the test-taker performed on the exam in each of the eight content areas.
If you did not answer the minimum number of questions of at least 60 for the NCLEX RN and NCLEX PN, you would be given an abbreviated CPR, which will show information that only includes how many questions you answered and how many you should have answered to be evaluated on the performance report.
What information about your NCLEX exam can the CPR provide?
- On the front side of the CPR, you'll find a brief description of how NCLEX Computerized Adaptive Testing (CAT) works, the number of items you answered, and information on how to use the second page of your CPR. The number of questions you answered indicates how close you were to the passing standard. In line with this, candidates who scored close to passing the standard had to answer the maximum number of questions, 130 for NCLEX RN and NCLEX PN. At the same time, candidates who scored further away from the standard passing require fewer items before a confident pass can be decided.
- The NCLEX CPR's second page contains information about your exam performance in the eight NCLEX Test Plan content areas. The content areas are classified as "Below the Passing Standard," "Near the Passing Standard," or "Above the Passing Standard," depending on the level of your performance (ability). A content area's description, its percentage of the exam, and a list of topics relevant to the content area are listed next to each content area (named "Client Subneed"). These descriptions can be used to figure out which parts of the Test Plan you struggled with the most and help you prepare for a retake. Concentrate on the sections indicated under "Below the Passing Standard" first, then work your way to the areas listed under "Near the Passing Standard." Furthermore, even if your competence in a particular content area indicates that it is above the passing standard, you should continue to study these areas to maintain proficiency.
This report solely highlights your strengths and weaknesses. The NCLEX is not scored in sections; your overall performance on the exam determines your pass/fail status.
Keep your USRN aspirations alive. Remember that you've come a long way and that giving up isn't an option. We hope this helps you prepare and study for the NCLEX RN the next time you take it. And if you are planning to retake the NCLEX any time soon, NEAC is here to help you. NEAC, your partner for easy medical exams application.
For further inquiries about the requirements, qualifications, and fees for the NCLEX Exam Application, get in touch with us and talk to one of our consultants through messenger or connect with us via email at