How to Get a Dataflow Report from SCFHS: Your Ultimate SCFHS Exam Guide
Did you ever find it difficult to understand the SCFHS Dataflow process? Are you interested in learning more about how to get a Dataflow report from SCFHS? Or maybe both!
But don't be worried. A detailed outline with this blog will provide you with obtaining a Dataflow report from SCFHS and other pertinent information, allowing you to prepare for the application process fully.
What should you be aware of about the SCFHS Dataflow application?
Dataflow is one of the exam procedures to consider in the SCFHS exam application. The SCFHS exam is a statewide examination for healthcare professional certification in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
The Primary Source Verification (PSV) application phase of the SCFHS Dataflow process is a highly dependable background screening approach. It incorporates immediate verification of a candidate's personal or professional credentials from the source that issued them. The SCFHS Dataflow requirements vary based on the candidate's profession. As a result, please double-check the information you submit in your application. Any inconsistency could be a red flag.
The Dataflow report of a candidate may show one of two SCFHS application statuses or outcomes: positive or negative. To serve as a reference for the verification result, each applicant who submitted papers will be given a unique SCFHS Dataflow reference number and log-in information.
What are the following components in the SCFHS Dataflow process usually verified?
Under the normal PSV Dataflow application, three components are usually verified:
#1 Educational Certification
#2 Health License
#3 Employment
Candidates can apply for an “Additional Document” verification if they prefer to verify more than 1 Employment or Health License for the Dataflow process. This can be added in irrespective of whether your previous DataFlow Group report is still in progress or already completed for the Saudi Commission For Health Specialties.
What are the differences between a Client Reference Number, a Dataflow Group Number, and a Dataflow Case Number?
A Client Reference Number and a DataFlow Group Number are generated by default by a Primary Source Verification (PSV) application. On the other hand, the Client reference number is generated as soon as you complete the Dataflow registration process.
However, a DataFlow Case Number will not be generated until the application has been received and passes an initial quality check.
Is it possible to transfer the SCFHS dataflow report to another Licensing Authority for exam application reasons if I already have a dataflow report?
Yes, it is possible. The SCFHS Dataflow reports can be transferred and reciprocated to other Middle East licensure applications such as HAAD, DHA, OMSB, MOPH, MOH, and NHRA dataflow reports.
How to Get a Dataflow Report from SCFHS?
Candidates do not need to travel to Saudi Arabia to apply personally to the licensing authority for the SCFHS exam application because it can be processed online.
Searching for the application requirements for the SCFHS Dataflow process and other qualifications, on the other hand, might be challenging, particularly for foreign healthcare candidates who are unfamiliar with or have no experience on how to apply for the SCFHS Dataflow process.
Due to this licensure application process for SCFHS, candidates are advised to seek assistance from a specialized application preparation center like NEAC Medical Exams Center to avoid financial losses and delays that may cause rejections of your application for the best price.
For further inquiries about the SCFHS Exam Application requirements, qualifications, and fees, kindly email us at Or get in touch with us and talk to one of our consultants through messenger