Keeping you updated on Immigration restrictions during COVID-19

Keeping You Updated on Immigration Restrictions during COVID-19

There is some news in regard to suspension or restriction of immigration to certain countries that employ medical professionals as well as news that they speed up immigration processes to bring in more. Both these decisions are all temporary resolutions to cope with increasing COVID-19 cases and due to limited medical professionals in those countries.

There are also orders to expedite processing of medical professional visas to bring in more of them as soon as possible again to provide support to the hospital's labor needs, especially in the US hospitals

The restrictions are just a 60 days pause. Who’s affected: People applying for green cards to legally live and work in the US. Who’s exempt: Workers entering the country on a temporary basis, many of whom are in industries deemed essential against the backdrop of the pandemic, like food processing or health care (CNN 04.23.2020).

Either way during and after the COVID-19 there is an increasing demand for medical professionals worldwide and this should lead to more recruitment activities in the coming months and years. Those countries that were already experiencing medical professional shortages before COVID-19 will need even more of them after the crisis, in order to be prepared better for the next potential crisis and not lose lives that have been lost due to lack of manpower.

Therefore, we strongly believe there will be an increasing demand for all types of medical professionals, especially for nurses and we encourage everyone to process their international licenses as fast as they can to be ready for this demand and take advantage of the employment opportunities that should be available soon.

Dr. Elbe Akman
NEAC Medical Exams Center

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