Top 3 NCLEX States for Foreign Nurses

Top 3 NCLEX states best to apply for Foreign-Educated Nurses

The US has more than 50 State Boards of Nursing or SBON that have different sets of NCLEX requirements, qualifications, process of NCLEX registration or regulations, and NCLEX exam fee per state. Due to this complex and decentralized application process, foreign nursing graduates must identify which state is best to apply for NCLEX based on their level of education, work experience, and so much more. 

With this content, we will help you identify the best NCLEX states with the most lenient requirements to apply for foreign nurses.

NCLEX Illinois

Illinois is a single state, and foreign-educated nurses can practice in Illinois if licensed in the country where they completed their nursing program and meet all other requirements. Although Illinois does not require the US SSN for the NCLEX application, those who do must declare their SSN status. After passing the NCLEX, the applicant must apply for a license application to issue an active license by the Illinois Board of Nursing. Illinois' overall NCLEX processing time will take up to 4 to 6 months with estimated fees of $1,500 - $1,700 up to the quick result phase.

NCLEX New York

The State of New York is known by nurses globally for issuing licenses to qualified foreign-educated nurses after passing the NCLEX. It is a single-state license and does not require the Social Security Number (SSN). However, kindly take note that their processing timeframes are longer than those of the other nursing boards. Overall, New York's NCLEX processing time will take 6 - 9 months, with fees ranging from $800 - $900 until the quick result phase.


Texas is one of the well-known states especially for foreign-educated nurses. The Texas BON accepts NCLEX applications from foreign-educated nurses who do not have a US SSN for the NCLEX; however, those who do must disclose their SSN status. The NCLEX process in Texas will take 6 to 8 months to complete, with fees ranging from $1,300 - $1,400 until the quick result phase.

Take advantage of this opportunity to work as a registered nurse in these states. Don't let another chance pass you by; seize it while you still have the chance. Consider preparing for the NCLEX exam now.

And remember, preparing for the NCLEX application doesn't need to be difficult, as NEAC is here to help you achieve your USRN Dream with zero hassle. NEAC‌ is an expert pioneer medical exams application center that offers easy and fast exam applications for NCLEX exam application and will do all the work for your NCLEX application for the best price to avoid financial losses and delays that may cause rejections of your application.

For further inquiries about the requirements, qualifications, and fees for the NCLEX USA Exam Application, feel free to email us at

Or live Chat with our experts online, they will answer your questions.


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    Nancy Akrong
  • I am a British citizen, and a registered mental health nurse with over 9 years experience, working within the NHS Trust hospitals In UK.

    I wish to relocate to USA, with my family. How do I go about it. Please email information on how to go about the right process.

    Most regards
    Cordelia Mbah.

    Cordelia Mbah
  • Thanks for the insight. Please how will the CGFNS CP application influence the NCLEX. Thanks


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