What Do You Absolutely Need To Know About The Orientation To The Australian Healthcare System?

What Do You Absolutely Need To Know About The Orientation To The Australian Healthcare System?

Other countries may have significantly different healthcare systems. As an internationally qualified nurse or midwife (IQNM) interested in registration, you should be familiar with the Australian healthcare system.

Nursing & Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) developed an orientation program to educate IQNMs about Australian healthcare and to keep the public safe by assisting IQNMs who register with the NMBA to prepare for the workplace.

Orientation Program

The NMBA’s orientation program has two parts: 

Orientation Part 1 - Candidates must complete Orientation Part 1. This is an online course that introduces Candidates to the Australian healthcare system. 

Orientation Part 2 - It is a registration requirement for all IQNMs who register with the NMBA.

Providing a more in-depth understanding of the Australian healthcare context through online learning.

What will the candidate learn in Orientation Part 1?

Candidates will learn about Australia and its healthcare system in this online session, which includes:

  • The components and framework of Australia's healthcare system
  • The roles and functions of registered nurses enrolled nurses and midwives within the Australian context
  • Responsibilities and expectations of the employer/employee 
  • Nursing and midwifery regulation of the practice in Australia statutory regulations outlined by the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law.
  • Person or woman-centered care approach to improving healthcare in Australia

Candidates will learn through reading, videos, and interactive content.

How long will it take for a candidate to complete Orientation Part 1?

It will take about an hour to complete the module.  NMBA recommended that the candidate take the time to read all of the information thoroughly and to read the suggested further reading. 

Candidates do not have to complete the module in one sitting. They can save their progress and resume at a later time.

What will the candidate learn in Orientation Part 2?

The candidate will be given a more in-depth introduction to Australia and its healthcare system in the online module.

  • Part 2A - Candidate role and the Australian healthcare system 
  • Part 2B - What does person or woman-centered care mean?
  • Part 2C - What does culturally safe care mean?
  • Part 2D - Candidate responsibilities when working in the Australian healthcare system

The candidate will learn through reading, videos, and interactive content.

How long will it take for a candidate to complete Orientation Part 2?

The progress of individuals is at different rates.

The entire module will take roughly 2-3 hours to complete, but it may take longer. The NMBA recommends that the candidate allow enough time to read all of the information thoroughly and read the suggested further reading.

Candidates do not have to complete the module in one sitting. They can save their progress and resume at a later time.

Begin the process of your AURN Dream and be registered in NMBA.

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