NEWS on NCLEX and US Healthcare Practioners OLD

May 2024

We are currently experiencing system performance issues with our licensing database, which is causing increased delays and timeouts. We are working to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. We apologize for any inconvenience.
 2024 National Nursing Week
National Nursing Week (NNW) is May 6-12, 2024, and this year’s theme is Changing Lives. Shaping Tomorrow.

Nurses maintain one of the highest levels of trust amongst health professionals, and this trust is maintained in part through professional self-regulation.

The Nurses Association of New Brunswick (NANB) is proud to carry out the mandate of supporting nurses in the provision of safe, ethical and competent care, while assuring the public of a certain standard of nursing care.

On NNW 2024, NANB salutes all New Brunswick nurses. As the world of health professional regulation evolves, NANB must respond and progress to continually remain relevant, effective and ensure legislated responsibilities are accomplished.

New Brunswick faces major challenges in improving the working conditions of its nurses.  Innovative solutions are possible.  Canada’s Chief Nursing Office, Dr. Leigh Chapman, has recently led the release of the Nursing Retention Toolkit: Improving the Working Lives of Nurses in Canada.  It is a practical resource created by and for nurses that contains initiatives to improve the working lives of nurses in Canada. A document worth discussing!

Visit the Canadian Nurses Association’s (CNA)  website to learn more about this year’s theme,  download social media images/ posters and to register for NNW events.

During this year’s NNW, NANB will randomly choose 24 nurses from the provincial nursing database to receive free 2025 registration renewal. Winners will be contacted directly by email.

Happy National Nursing Week to one and all!
License Renewal
Licenses Expiring June 30, 2024: Practical Nurse
Nursing Council Welcomes Opening of Simulation Centre
The Nursing Council says the opening of a simulation centre in Christchurch marks a significant milestone in its new competence assessment process for internationally qualified nurses (IQNs).

The Council has contracted healthcare organisation Nurse Maude to be the sole provider of its IQN clinical examination. Those nurses requiring a competence assessment will have to pass the exam to be able to register to practise in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Nurses will take the exam in person at the Nurse Maude Simulation and Assessment Centre which has a series of rooms designed to represent typical clinical, hospital, and community facilities, along with an IT control room.

Applicants will have 10 exam stations to work through in a three-hour objective structured clinical examination (OSCE). The scenarios they are tested on provide a realistic representation of the clinical situations faced by qualified nurses in Aotearoa New Zealand.

The centre, which has about 30 staff ranging from examiners through to specialist simulation technicians, has the capacity to host up to 20 candidates per day, four days a week, for a total of 80 weekly examinations.

Nursing Council Chief Executive Catherine Byrne says the opening of the centre is the culmination of months of work, “We are confident that the partnership with Nurse Maude, using its purpose-designed facilities, will deliver an objective and robust examination for internationally qualified nurses.”

Nurse Maude Chief Executive Jim Magee says it’s exciting the two organisations can work together to provide a service of such importance to the country’s health sector.

“The centre and its staff draw on the fundamental healthcare knowledge and skills developed by our organisation over many years.”

Prior to the clinical exam, applicants will attend a two-day orientation and preparation course at the University of Canterbury in Christchurch.

Its Faculty of Health Executive Dean, Associate Professor Cathy Andrew, says the partnership with Nurse Maude is a welcome development.

“This formal collaboration with Nurse Maude, which is one of Christchurch’s oldest healthcare providers, is great news for Canterbury. The university is really looking forward to providing this course for internationally qualified nurses.”

Nurses arriving in the country for the clinical exam will have already completed and passed a Nursing Council theoretical examination, taken online, which tests nursing knowledge across a range of competencies.

Those IQNs who applied to the Council before this new competence process was in place will continue undertaking their competence assessment programmes (CAPs).

The Council is planning for an 18-month transition period (all of 2024 into 2025) where the CAPs and the new competence examination process will be in place alongside each other.
 A New Licensure Experience for Health Care Practitioners
The Division of Medical Quality Assurance is now issuing electronic licenses, which enables you to download a PDF copy of your license within two business days. The license can be retrieved in the License Documents menu of your MQA Online Services Portal account. To learn more, please visit the electronic licensing webpage at
 DOPL Online Services Change – New Licensing System Scheduled for Launch on July 1st, 2024
DOPL Online Services Change – New Licensing System Scheduled for Launch on July 1st, 2024

The Idaho Division of Occupational and Professional Licenses (DOPL) has partnered with FAST Enterprises LLC to develop a comprehensive system for licensing, registration, certification and permitting. This state-of-the-art system, set to launch in two stages. The first stage will be on July 1st, 2024, and the second stage will occur on November 4, 2024.

For the Legacy Systems transitioning in Stage 1

Downtime: June 24th – June 30th
The Division is excited to share that DOPL Online Services for the legacy systems that are transitioning to the new system on July 1st at 8 am MDT, those existing legacy systems will be down and unavailable to customers as we prepare to go live with Online Services.

June 24th, 2024, 6pm MDT: Board of Nursing – Idaho Nurse Portal will be turned off.
June 26th, 2024, 6pm MDT: Public pages for existing systems that cover the Boards in Stage 1, will be disabled. Customers will not be able to submit applications or renewals until July 1, 2024, when the new system comes online.
DOPL Offices will remain open through normal business hours during the transition to the new system.
July 1st, 2024, at 8am MDT: DOPL Online Services will be available.  
For those Boards transitioning in Stage 1, customers may create a new online profile in the DOPL Online Services to manage your licenses registrations, applications, and certifications. Usernames and passwords created in legacy systems will not carry over to DOPL Online Services.  

You’ll need your email address on file with DOPL and your license/registration number to access an existing account.

As the Second Stage of the implementation to the new License system approaches for those Boards not transitioning July 1, 2024, we will provide additional information on the cutover in the fall of 2024.

Nursing Board transitioning in Stage 1 – July 1, 2024
 Renew Your license Without A Late Fee
NURSES: The deadline to renew your license without a late fee has been extended to June 30, 2024.
 Renewal Readiness: What Is Renewal?
Renewal is an annual process for registrants of the College of Registered Nurses of Alberta (CRNA) who want to continue to practise in the province.

A successful permit renewal allows a registrant to practise under their protected title or designation for another practice year. The CRNA's practice year runs from Oct. 1 to Sept. 30.

Registrants complete their application to renew through Collect Connect, an online portal that provides them access to their application any time, anywhere and on any device.

This year, renewal opens on Aug. 1, 2024 and closes on Sept. 30, 2024.

To successfully renew, registrants must meet all of the requirements. If a permit is denied or lapses due to non-renewal, the individual can no longer work under a protected title or designation in Alberta. The CRNA will inform employers of the lapsed statuses.

The CRNA makes the register available for the public to search. The search tool allows anyone to confirm an individual’s registration and permit status.
MYM and FAN are down for scheduled maintenance on Tuesday, May 28, 2024
Maintain Your Membership and Find a Nurse will be down for scheduled maintenance on:

Tuesday, May 28, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. to Wednesday, May 29, 2024 at 6:00 a.m.

You will not be able to search for a nurse on Find a Nurse, log into your account or create or view an application during these hours.

Thank you for your patience.
Important Update: Transition to New Licensing System
The North Dakota Board of Nursing (NDBON) is excited to announce that we are transitioning to a new licensing system. This update is designed to improve your experience and streamline the licensing process.

System Downtime Alert:
Please be aware that due to this transition, you are encouraged to apply for registration/licensure as soon as possible. All online applications will be unavailable beginning June 7, 2024, through June 16, 2024. During the transition, all applications that were submitted prior to June 7th will continue to be processed. All open applications that have not been paid by 11:59 PM CDT, June 6, 2024 , will be voided and will need to be resubmitted on the new online system.

Launch of New Portal:
Our new license and registration portal will launch on June 17, 2024. You will be able to access the following features through our updated system:
Apply for or renew your license/registration
View the progress of your applications
Download copies of your applications and receipts
Receive messages directly from the NDBON
Update your contact information
Special Note for UAP/MAIII Registrants:
If you are a UAP/MAIII and need to renew your registration, please plan accordingly as renewal services will also be unavailable from June 7, 2024, through June 16, 2024.
Connecticut Enacts Nurse Licensure Compact
CHICAGO – Gov. Ned Lamont signed the NLC into law on May 30, 2024, making Connecticut the 42nd jurisdiction to enact the NLC. The compact allows registered nurses (RNs) and licensed practical/vocational nurses (LPN/VNs) to have one multistate license, with the ability to practice in person or via telehealth, in both their home state and other NLC states.
Link/Reference: portal.ct.go

State/Service: Kansas
News/Title: Fee Change For KS Criminal Background Check
Effective July 1, 2024, the fees for the KBI background check services will increase from $48.00 to $57.00.

Fingerprints processed on/after July 1, 2024 are subject to the fee change and the difference of fees may need to be mailed to KSBN for processing.
Office Closed
The Board will be closed for business Wednesday, June 19, 2024 in observance of the Juneteenth holiday. The Board will re-open for business at 8:30 a.m. Thursday, June 20, 2024.
Link/Reference: mbon.maryland.go

State/Service: NMBI
News/Title: Notice on Certificates of Good Standing
The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI) is aware that some jurisdictions have paused the issuance of certificates of good standing.

These certificates are an essential component of the registration process for nurses and midwives who qualified overseas and who wish to practice in Ireland. Applicants must provide a certificate of good standing in order to complete their application, without this your application will remain incomplete and cannot be progressed. Your application will eventually expire if you do not provide a certificate of good standing.
LPN Renewal
LPN Renewal applications will be available no later than July 31, 2024. Please note, you must wait for an updated renewal application to renew your license. You cannot renew your license using any prior renewal forms. To ensure receipt of renewal notifications and other correspondence from our office, please go to MY LICENSE and confirm your current mailing address is on file.
Office Closure – Juneteenth
LSBN will be closed Wednesday June 19th, in observance of Juneteenth. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Office Closed The Board will be closed for business Wednesday, June 19, 2024 in observance of the Juneteenth holiday. The Board will re-open for business at 8:30 a.m. Thursday, June 20, 2024. System Maintenance Online Renewal and Initial applications will be unavailable Saturday, June 22, 2024 between 6 a.m. and 8 a.m. U.S. Eastern Time while system maintenance is performed. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. **Link/Reference:** NMI
Office Closure for Juneteenth The Office of the NMI BON will be CLOSED on Wednesday, June 19, 2024 for Juneteenth. Thank you for your understanding. **Link/Reference:** Pennsylvania
PN License Renewal Licenses Expiring June 30, 2024 - Practical Nurse **Link/Reference:** Nova Scotia
English Language Proficiency Test There are three different tests that you can take to demonstrate your English language proficiency. In June 2024, we added a new English language proficiency test option, the Occupational English Test. **Link/Reference:** Ontario
MYM and FAN are down for scheduled maintenance on Tuesday, June 18, 2024 Maintain Your Membership and Find a Nurse will be down for scheduled maintenance on: Tuesday, June 18, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. to Wednesday, June 19, 2024 at 5:00 a.m. You will not be able to search for a nurse on Find a Nurse, log into your account or create or view an application during these hours. Thank you for your patience. **Link/Reference:** Ontario
SPEP Permanent in Ontario Budget
CNO strongly supports the Ontario government’s investment in nursing, specifically making the Supervised Practice Experience Partnership (SPEP) permanent, as recently announced in the provincial budget.

We are pleased that an innovative program we developed with Ontario Health and the Ministry of Health will become permanent, helping more nurses become registered into Ontario’s health care system. The SPEP program helps applicants more efficiently meet the registration requirements. It does this by matching applicants with employers so they can participate in a supervised practice experience.

As of March 29, 2024, we have matched 4,230 applicants with employers, enabling 3,324 nurses to register with CNO and provide safe care to Ontarians. These numbers continue to grow as we engage with partners and government to implement the program into the system. 

The government’s commitment to expanding nursing enrolment in colleges and universities will also help strengthen the profession. As the organization that sets the requirements for becoming a nurse and approves nursing programs in Ontario, CNO is pleased to be a key player along with our partners in education, to help address the need for more nurses.  

CNO continues to partner with others for positive system changes, and is committed to working with government to support the health care system.

MYM and FAN Are Down for Scheduled Maintenance
Maintain Your Membership and Find a Nurse will be down for scheduled maintenance on Tuesday, April 16, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. to Wednesday, April 17, 2024 at 5:00 a.m. You will not be able to search for a nurse on Find a Nurse, log into your account or create or view an application during these hours.

Thank you for your patience.
We’ve been made aware our email servers suffered an outage on NMC Online between 20:00 on Saturday 13 April and 01:30 on Sunday 14 April. This means if you requested an email from us for example if you tried to reset a password, set up a new account or request a statement of entry you should try again if you were affected.

This outage did not affect general form submissions on NMC Online. All our systems are now running as usual and we apologise for any inconvenience.
Renewal is now open
Find out what you need to do to renew your registration.

The National Law requires all registered health practitioners to renew their registration with their National Board annually. Ahpra manages the registration and renewal process on behalf of the National Boards.

Health practitioners with general, specialist or non-practising registration renew online at the same time each year.

Nurses and midwives renew their registration by 31 May every year.
State Board of Nursing License Renewal
Registered Nurses - April 30, 2024
DOPL Online Services Change – New Licensing System Scheduled for Launch on July 1st, 2024
The Idaho Division of Occupational and Professional Licenses (DOPL) has partnered with FAST Enterprises LLC to develop a comprehensive system for licensing, registration, certification and permitting. This state-of-the-art system, set to launch on July 1st, 2024, will revolutionize customer service. The new system will replace the existing legacy licensing systems currently being used for these services.  

Here are just a few of the improvements that you can expect with this new system:
Applications for licenses, registrations, certifications, and permits can be made on-line. This will streamline the process of reviewing applications and providing final determinations on the applications faster.
You can view your license online.
You can print your license, registration, certification, or permit from home.
Communication from DOPL on upcoming renewals will be based on your preference. You may receive a physical mailed notification, or an email notification or a text message.
You will be able to create an on-line profile to upload documents needed for your application or renewal.
System Downtime: June 26th – June 30th
The Division is excited to share that DOPL Online Services will go live on July 1st at 8 am MDT. The existing legacy systems will be down as we prepare to go live with Online Services.
June 24th, 2024, 6pm MDT: Board of Nursing – Idaho Nurse Portal will be turned off.
June 26th, 2024, 6pm MDT: Public pages for existing systems will be turned off. Cannot submit applications, renewals, or inspection requests. (This includes the IVR system for inspection requests)
June 27th, 2024:
No inspections may be scheduled.
No online applications may be submitted.
June 28th, 2024:
No permit inspections may be scheduled for this day.
All systems are down.
DOPL Offices are open.
July 1st, 2024 at 8am MDT: DOPL Online Services will be available.  
Starting July 1st, you may create a new profile on DOPL Online Services to manage your licenses, registrations, and permits. Usernames and passwords created in legacy systems will not carry over to DOPL Online Services. 
LPN License Renewal - Renew Now - May 26, 2024 Renewal Deadline
Renewal reminders were emailed to LPNs. If you did not receive a renewal reminder, update your contact information using this online form. Make sure you provide a personal email. Nearly 1,000 emails were returned; many because an individual used a school or work email account and no longer have access to that account.

You can request your PIN and link to renew by sending an email to Put Request for PIN in the subject line. Be sure to include your name, license number or NCSBN ID.

It takes 3-4 business days after your renewal is received before your license is renewed. You will not receive a license card. Go to and enroll yourself in e-Notify as a Nurse in order to receive notification when your license is actually renewed. As an added benefit, you will also receive license renewal reminders and notification of any changes to your license or discipline status by enrolling yourself in this free service.

The public, including employers, can verify your license at by clicking on LOOK UP A LICENSE on the QuickConfirm pane. This is a free service. Select QuickConfirm which is the center pane. 
Scheduled Maintenance
Scheduled Maintenance Due to scheduled maintenance, access to Ahpra's account services, registration renewal, online graduate applications and other online services will be unavailable between 7:30pm and 8:30pm AEST on Tuesday 30th April 2024. However, you will still be able to access the register of practitioners. We apologise for any inconvenience.

March 2024

 RN License Renewal is now open
 Board Office Building will be Closed on March 11, 2024
Due to building maintenance, the Board's office building will be closed Monday, March 11, 2024; however, Board staff will be available by phone or email. We apologize for the inconvenience.
 LPN Licenses Expire May 31, 2024
Renewal reminders were emailed to LPNs on March 1, 2024 from You should add and to your trusted or safe sender email list. You can conduct an internet search using Google or another search engine to see how to do this based on the email system you use.

You are required to inform the Board of any changes to your contact information within 30 days. Use the form found at to provide an update. It takes 3-4 business days after your renewal is received before your license is renewed. You will not receive a license card. Go to and enroll yourself in e-Notify as a Nurse in order to receive notification when your license is actually renewed. As an added benefit, you will also receive license renewal reminders and notification of any changes to your license or discipline status by enrolling yourself in this free service.

The public, including employers, can verify your license at by clicking on LOOK UP A LICENSE on the QuickConfirm pane. This is a free service. Select QuickConfirm which is the center pane.

No Grace Period to Renew
A nurse is required to renew 3 business days prior to the expiration date. Failure to do so may result in the license becoming lapsed, which requires the nurse to complete a reinstatement application, submit additional fees and submit to fingerprint background checks.
License expiring April 30, 2024 - Registered Nurse
 IELTS Price Change 2024
Beginning 1 April 2024 an IELTS price change shall be implemented. Below are the new test fees:

Test Type

New Test Fee

IELTS on paper and on computer


IELTS for UKVI on paper and on computer


Life Skills A1/B1


Candidates who register before 1 April 2024 will still pay the current fees.
 CNO authorizes first Registered Nurse with prescribing authority: A milestone in healthcare
CNO is marking a significant milestone in healthcare as we begin to authorize Registered Nurses (RNs) to prescribe medication in Ontario.

Under regulations approved by government in Nov. 2023, RNs in the General Class who meet specific requirements gained the authority to prescribe certain medications and communicate diagnoses for the purposes of prescribing those medications.

“RN prescribing represents a forward leap in nursing practice, empowering RNs with the knowledge, skill and judgment to assess, diagnose and treat defined non-complex conditions,” said Silvie Crawford, CNO’s Executive Director and CEO.  

To qualify for prescribing authority, RNs must meet specific requirements and complete CNO-approved education. Georgian College, one of the schools offering an approved RN prescribing program, is currently seeing RNs graduate from their program.

“We are thrilled to offer this groundbreaking new program aimed at enhancing local patient care by expanding the capabilities of Registered Nurses. This innovative course is a testament to Georgian’s enduring commitment to fostering excellence in nursing education and cultivating a strong nursing workforce within our community,” said Kevin Weaver, President and CEO, Georgian College.  

Cyril Lee Turley, who completed the program at Georgian College, is the first RN to become authorized. “It’s really rewarding to be able to prescribe and save our patients some time. Why not expand so our patients have easier access to vaccines and certain medications that they need in a timely way?” he said, adding to be the first person with this authority is “exciting and pioneering.”  

There are currently four CNO-approved RN prescribing programs offered in colleges and universities across the province. Programs are offered using a virtual/hybrid format, making them accessible to nurses, even those in remote communities. This flexibility allows RNs to independently progress and complete the program at their own pace.

“Our government has been taking bold action to ensure more Ontarians can conveniently connect to the care they need, closer to home,” said Sylvia Jones, Deputy Premier and Minister of Health. “I’m delighted to see our innovative changes coming to life by congratulating Lee Turley as the first Registered Nurse in Ontario authorized to prescribe medication, which will mean faster and easier access to care for families.”

Patients, healthcare professionals, employers and others can confirm that an RN is authorized to prescribe medication by checking CNO’s public register, Find a Nurse.  They will find a notation confirming the RNs prescribing authority.

Employers play a key role in ensuring that RN prescribing is appropriate and safe in the practice setting. This includes providing the necessary resources to support RNs with this authority. In some cases, legislation or employer polices will not permit RNs to prescribe. For example, the Public Hospitals Act prevents RNs from ordering treatments for hospital patients.  RNs will need to work with their employers to ensure that RN prescribing meets with employer requirements.

With this new authority increasing accessibility to healthcare, CNO encourages patients and caregivers to inquire about an RN’s authority to prescribe and engage in conversations about their healthcare options. The public can also look up information about a nurse on the public register.
 License Renewal
NURSES: Renew your licenses online here before the May 31, 2024 deadline! Contact our call center at 1-800-560-6420 if you have questions.
 The Ohio Board of Nursing Announces Relocation of Headquarters
Effective March 11, 2024, The Ohio Board of Nursing (OBN) is relocating its headquarters to 8995 East Main Street in Reynoldsburg, Ohio, 43068.
 MYM, FAN and AMR are down for scheduled maintenance on Tuesday, March 19, 2024
Maintain Your Membership, Find a Nurse and Annual Membership Renewal will be down for scheduled maintenance on:
Tuesday, March 19, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. to Wednesday, March 20, 2024 at 5:00 a.m.

You will not be able to search for a nurse on Find a Nurse, log into your account, renew your membership or create or view an application during these hours.

Thank you for your patience.
 Scheduled Downtime
Nursys will be down for scheduled maintenance on Thursday, March 21, from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM Chamorro Standard Time (ChST).

Users will not be able to access the website during this time.

We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for the patience.
 License Renewal
Licenses Expiring April 30, 2024 - Registered Nurse
 Scheduled Outage Notification
CGFNS Connect will be down for maintenance and updates on Wednesday, March 27, 2024 from 6:00AM to 8:00AM [U.S. Eastern Time Zone]. Thank you for your patience.
"Notice: RN & APRN Renewals to Begin in April 2024
More information on the renewal process coming soon!"
Office Closure - Good Friday
LSBN will be closed Friday, March 29, 2024 in observance of Good Friday. We apologize for any inconvenience.
LPN Licenses Expire May 31, 2024

Renewal reminders were emailed to LPNs on March 1, 2024 from You should add and to your trusted or safe sender email list. You can conduct an internet search using Google or another search engine to see how to do this based on the email system you use.

You are required to inform the Board of any changes to your contact information within 30 days. Use the form found at to provide an update. It takes 3-4 business days after your renewal is received before your license is renewed. You will not receive a license card. Go to and enroll yourself in e-Notify as a Nurse in order to receive notification when your license is actually renewed. As an added benefit, you will also receive license renewal reminders and notification of any changes to your license or discipline status by enrolling yourself in this free service.

The public, including employers, can verify your license at by clicking on LOOK UP A LICENSE on the QuickConfirm pane (the center pane). This is a free service.

No Grace Period to Renew

A nurse is required to renew 3 business days prior to the expiration date. Failure to do so may result in the license becoming lapsed, which requires the nurse to complete a reinstatement application, submit additional fees and submit to fingerprint background checks.
Office Closure for Commonwealth Covenant Day
The Office of the NMI BON will be CLOSED on Monday, March 25, 2024 for Commonwealth Covenant Day.

Thank you for your understanding.
NMBI announces new process to verify English language test results at Decision Letter stage
Internationally educated applicants can now submit their valid English language test results for consideration, following receipt of their Decision Letter. This applies to applicants where a compensation measure is required.

Applicants who are not required to complete compensation measures can submit their test results when their qualifications have been recognised.

Evidence of English language competency is required for internationally educated applicants who qualified in a non-English language speaking country and who are making an application for registration.  

English language test results must be no more than two years old when submitted. The results will be verified with the testing provider and recorded on their registration application. If test results are more than two years old, they cannot be accepted as they cannot be verified.

Nurses and midwives who choose to submit results following receipt of their Decision Letter/qualification recognition decision must:
commence their compensation measure within 12 months from the date of the Decision Letter (if applicable), and
apply for registration within two calendar months from the date that their qualification is recognised (provisional acceptance date).
While an applicant can choose not to submit their test results at this stage, they should note that their results must be in date when applying for registration.
CNO News
Customer Service closed from 2:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Tuesday, March 26
Customer Service will be closed from 2:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Tuesday, March 26, 2024, for a corporate activity.

You will still be able to use Find a Nurse, log into your account or create or view an application during these hours.

Thank you for your patience.

February 2024

 Scheduled Downtime
Scheduled Downtime for Friday, Feb 9th from 06:00 PM to Saturday, Feb 10th 12:00 PM EST This site will be down for scheduled maintenance and you will not be able to access the website during this time. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.
 The new WA multistate license (MSL) application is now open!
Nurses whose primary state of residence (PSOR) is Washington can now apply to upgrade to a multistate license (MSL).
 Current processing times
We are reviewing completed applications received by the dates listed below.

Application type

Applications being processed

ARNPs (by Exam and Endorsement)

Feb. 12, 2024 to current date

RN and LPN by Endorsement        
Feb. 12, 2024 to current date

RN and LPN by Exam

Feb. 14, 2024 to current date

Nursing Tech Registrations (NTECs)  

Feb. 15, 2024 to current date

Reactivations (ARNP, LPN, RN)

Feb. 15, 2024 to current date

Applications that are missing anything, or we have questions about, will take longer.

We will email you if we have an issue with your application.

January 2024

 Fee Increase
Effective January 1, 2024, the CGFNS has raised its application fees.
 Fee Increase
Effective January 1, 2024, Alabama has raised its application fees.
 KSBN Office Closed
The KSBN office will be closed on January 8th and 9th, 2024 due to inclement weather.
 Office Closure
LSBN will be closed on the following dates in observance of state holidays:

Monday, January 8 in observance of Inauguration Day
Monday, January 15 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day
We apologize for any inconvenience.
 Changes To The Cultural Competency CEU Requirement as of January 2024
During the 82nd legislative session (February-June 2023), the legislature enacted AB 267 which changes the requirements relating to the training in cultural competency. As you know, in 2021, the legislature enacted a mandatory requirement of 2 continuing education hours (CEUs) in cultural competency. AB 267 NOW REQUIRES THAT NURSES COMPLETE 4 HOURS OF CULTURAL COMPETENCY INSTEAD OF 2 HOURS EACH RENEWAL CYCLE.
 Pennsylvania Criminal History Check
Pennsylvania Criminal History Checks will no longer be automatically submitted to the Pennsylvania State Police as part of the application process. For applicants living, working, or completing training/studies in Pennsylvania, you must obtain a Pennsylvania background check directly through the Pennsylvania State Police at On the application, select "Pennsylvania (" in the list of states where you have been located, and upload a copy of the completed background check.
 Renewal 2024
Registration renewal starts on February 1, 2024.

Important: Last day of renewal and statutory holidays
Registration renewal will end on Sunday, March 31 at 4:30 p.m. Due to statutory holidays, BCCNM offices will be closed on Friday, March 29 and Monday, April 1. While the renewal system will remain open until the registration renewal period closes, there will be no BCCNM staff available from March 29-April 1 to assist you with renewal questions or technical challenges.  
We strongly recommend completing your renewal before March 22 to ensure your renewal is finalized well in advance of the office closure. If you do not complete your renewal before the deadline, your registration will expire. You will need to apply to reinstate your registration ($265+GST) in addition to paying your registration fees. If you work without registration, you will not be covered for liability protection while unregistered and you will be subject to an additional $375+GST surcharge.
 New Code of Ethics for LPNs Effective January 2, 2024
Effective January 2, 2024, the NSCN Board approved the Canadian Council for Practical Nurse Regulators’ (CCPNR) ‘Code of Ethics for Licensed Practical Nurses’ to be adopted in Nova Scotia. The new code of ethics will replace the existing document that was established in 2013.

The Code of Ethics articulates the ethical values and responsibilities that LPNs uphold and are accountable to and it is reflective of feedback provided by LPNs across Canada and Nova Scotia. It guides LPNs’ ethical reflections and decision-making across all areas of practice and informs the public about the ethical values and responsibilities of the LPN profession.

There are six fundamental principles identified in the 2023 ‘Code of Ethics for Practical Nurses’, which must be fully understood and upheld by LPNs in Nova Scotia. They are as follows:

LPNs promote optimal health and well-being.
LPNs provide care that is physically, psychologically, and culturally safe.
LPNs provide and advocate for client dignity, autonomy, and self-determination.
LPNs develop therapeutic relationships while maintain professional boundaries.
LPNs maintain their well-being.
LPNs contribute to a healthy practice environment.
The Code of Ethics for Licensed Practical Nurses also includes helpful definitions and a comprehensive resource to support ethical decision-making and questions for reflection in support of LPN practice.

Finally, NSCN would like to thank the many LPNs in Nova Scotia who provided feedback during the consultation phase in 2022 for helping to shape the 2023 ‘Code of Ethics for Licensed Practical Nurses’.
 Office Closure - Inclement Weather
LSBN will be closed Tuesday, January 16, 2024 due to inclement weather.   We apologize for any inconvenience.
 Online Payment Portal for the NMI Board of Nursing
The NMI Board of Nursing is pleased to advise all applicants and the public that, effective January 13, 2024, Chamorro Standard Time (ChST), we have transitioned to an online payment solution.

Please see below portal as part of this implementation, also accessible through the Payment Portal button on the website header:

NMI Board of Nursing – Official PayCNMI
Please reference the guide: Submitting a Payment through the Online Payment Portal for any clarifications on the payment process.

Should there be any issues, please utilize the NMI Board of Nursing’s online contact form, accessible online at Contact Us. Please then select Payment as the Inquiry Type.

Thank you all for your cooperation and support in this transition period.

NOTE: A 5% online convenience fee will apply to all online payments.
 WA multistate license application opens Jan. 31, 2024
Starting Jan. 31, 2024, nurses whose primary state of residence (PSOR) is Washington will be able to apply for a multistate license.

This is a milestone for Washington as we complete our NLC implementation plan.

We will share more details and information over the next few weeks.

What do nurses need to know?
Starting Jan. 31, 2024, nurses whose primary state of residence is Washington state, will be able to apply for a multistate license (MSL).
You must complete an FBI background check as part the application process. (We will email you instructions after you apply.)
We expect the MSL application review process to take 2 to 3 weeks.
Don't try to apply for an MSL before Jan. 31, to avoid additional nonrefundable licensing fees.
Our new application process will make it easier and quicker to get a multistate license to practice in multiple states.
 BCCNM and NCAS welcome federal funding to support mobility of internationally educated nurses
The British Columbia College of Nurses and Midwives (BCCNM) and the Nursing Community Assessment Service (NCAS) welcome today's announcement of funding through the Ministry of Employment and Social Development Canada's Foreign Credential Recognition Program (FCRP).

The funding, up to $9,934,155 over five years, is being granted by the FCRP will allow NCAS to pilot a virtual version of its simulation lab assessment.

NCAS' simulation lab assessment enables internationally educated nurses (IENs) to demonstrate their knowledge and skills through a series of simulated patient encounters. At present, the SLA must be taken in person at select locations in British Columbia and Atlantic Canada. A virtual assessment could be taken anywhere, saving time and money, and supporting IENs to enter Canada's health-care workforce in the role most closely matched to their current nursing competence.

BCCNM and NCAS pathway pilot for IENs.
The virtual assessment initiative is just the latest step to reduce barriers for IENs. In January 2023, BCCNM and NCAS launched a two-year IEN pathway pilot, offering more options for education credential assessment, new ways to meet language proficiency requirements, as well as the chance to be assessed for education and competencies in three nursing professions simultaneously. In addition, the BC Ministry of Health offered grants covering most or all costs associated with seeking registration in British Columbia.

The pathway has been a tremendous success. Since its launch, applications to BCCNM and NCAS have increased by more than 1,000% year over year. The number of IENs to successfully obtain registration with BCCNM has more than doubled.

About the Foreign Credential Recognition Program
The Government of Canada established the Foreign Credential Recognition Program (FCRP) to enhance the integration of skilled newcomers into the Canadian labour market.

The FCRP provides funding to governments and organizations for projects that improve the assessment and recognition of the international credentials and competencies that individuals have acquired in other countries. The FCRP also supports joint initiatives among provinces and territories and other partners to improve the mobility of Canadian workers in regulated occupations as they seek jobs across Canada.
 MYM, FAN and AMR are down for scheduled maintenance on Tuesday, January 23, 2024
Maintain Your Membership, Find a Nurse and Annual Membership Renewal will be down for scheduled maintenance on:

Tuesday, January 23, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. to Wednesday, January 24, 2024 at 7:00 a.m.

You will not be able to search for a nurse on Find a Nurse, log into your account, renew your membership or create or view an application during these hours.

Thank you for your patience.
 MYM, FAN and AMR are down for scheduled maintenance on Tuesday, January 23, 2024
Maintain Your Membership, Find a Nurse and Annual Membership Renewal will be down for scheduled maintenance on:

Tuesday, January 23, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. to Wednesday, January 24, 2024 at 7:00 a.m.

You will not be able to search for a nurse on Find a Nurse, log into your account, renew your membership or create or view an application during these hours.

Thank you for your patience.
            NMI BON
 FA2024 Nursing License Renewals
Nursing License Renewals will open February 1, 2024. The renewal notice will be sent to you via email if you validated your email address or via US Mail otherwise. You do not need to wait until you have your notice in hand to renew, and can recover your user id in the renewal portal once Renewals open. All nursing licenses in South Carolina expire on April 30th of even years. If your license was originally issued in 2023 and you have a 2024 expiration date, you will renew in 2024 and then your next renewal will be in 2026. 
The fees are: 
$75 (LPN & RN) 
$105 (APRN WITHOUT Prescriptive Authority) 
$145 (APRN WITH Prescriptive Authority)
 KBN Nurse Portal Maintenance
The KBN Nurse Portal will be down for server maintenance from Friday, 02/09/2024 @ 8:00 pm EST through Saturday, 02/10/2024 @ 3:00 pm EST.
  MYM, FAN and AMR are down for scheduled maintenance on Wednesday, January 31, 2024
Maintain Your Membership, Find a Nurse and Annual Membership Renewal will be down for scheduled maintenance on:
Wednesday, January 31, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. to Thursday, February 1, 2024 at 6:00 a.m.
You will not be able to search for a nurse on Find a Nurse, log into your account, renew your membership or create or view an application during these hours.
Thank you for your patience.
  Final Reminder: Annual registration renewal closes 31 January 2024
We would like to remind all registrants who have yet to renew their registration for 2024 that the deadline is Wednesday, 31 January. If you have not completed the process, please do so as soon as possible through our online portal, MyNMBI.  

We have developed several useful guides to assist registrants through the annual renewal process. Further details can be found on the Annual Renewal page of our website.

If you have any queries or require further support, our customer care centre can be contacted at 0818 200 116 (+353 818 200 116 from outside Ireland), Monday to Friday 9am-5:30pm or by email at  

When contacting us, please provide your name, PIN number and your date of birth as this will help us deal with any query more efficiently.

Your annual renewal fee goes towards our work to support nurses and midwives to provide patient care to the highest standards. This work includes:  

Maintaining the Register of Nurses and Midwives and the Candidate Register for students. 

Developing standards and guidance for nurses and midwives.  
Assessing and approving education programmes for the professions.  
Investigating complaints made against registrants.  
All nurses and midwives practising in Ireland are required to have their name on the Register of Nurses and Midwives which is maintained by NMBI and each year it is necessary to pay the annual renewal to maintain their registration.  

Please note that student nurses and midwives are not required to renew. Any nurses or midwives who have registered for the first time, on or after 1 September 2023, are not required to renew until the 2025 annual renewal cycle.  

Please ensure that your details are up to date, including contact information (address, email address and phone number) and employment details. This is a legal requirement under Section 53 of the Nurses and Midwives Act 2011, as amended.

If you wish to voluntarily remove your name from the Register of Nurses and Midwives, (for example are taking a career break or retiring), you can do so on MyNMBI. This service is free of charge and the deadline for voluntary removal is Wednesday, 31 January 2024. Should you choose this option, you can restore your name to the Register at any time by selecting the ’Restoration’ option on the MyNMBI portal for the same fee as the Annual Renewal.  

Further details can be found on the Voluntary Removal section of our website.

Removal from the Register for non-payment of the annual registration renewal fee

If the annual renewal is not completed by the Wednesday, 31 January 2024, or if you have not voluntarily removed your registration, we are legally obliged to include your name on the list of registrants that will be considered by the Board for removal. Removals from the Register for failure to pay the annual renewal fee are considered by the Board under Section77(1) of the Nurses and Midwives Act 2011, as amended. The Board will consider removals at its next meeting. Please note that notifications of removals are sent to the Minister for Health, known employers and the Health Service Executive under Section 82 of the Act. 

NEWS on NCLEX and US Healthcare Practioners