DHA Test Day Checklist: What to Expect on the Day of your DHA Exam

DHA Test Day Checklist: What to Expect on the Day of your DHA Exam

The more prepared you are, the more relaxed you will feel and the better you will perform on your DHA exam. In this article, we provide a comprehensive overview of what to expect during your next DHA exam at a Prometric test center, allowing you to plan ahead during the exam application process.

Test Day Check-in Items

Prior to testing, verify the emails sent by the test sponsor to ensure that you have everything you need. 

Here are the two important test day check-in things you'll need:

#1 Valid Identification

#2 Test confirmation Number

Procedures for Arrival and Test Day Check-In

Test takers will be expected to accomplish the following before entering the testing center:

#1 Wear your mask and follow safety protocols at all times

Any test taker who arrives at the testing center without an approved mask will be denied the opportunity to take the exam, will be marked as a "no show," and will not be entitled to a free and new DHA exam schedule.

Both medical masks and fabric face coverings are permitted. Masks with exhale/one-way valves are prohibited due to the lack of viral particle filtering provided by these masks. Wearable technological masks are also prohibited.

All Prometric test center administrators will do the following during the check-in process:

#1 Examine the exam taker's glasses and identification. Candidate masks will need to be lowered or removed for this process, specifically so that the reverse side of all test takers’ masks may be inspected, by clasping the sides or strap of the mask and reattaching in the same manner.

#2 Require test-takers to sign in on a roster sheet using a Prometric-supplied pen after cleaning their hands with hand sanitizer or alcohol.

#3 If needed, assign test-takers a locker number and key to store their valuables. The key will be kept by the test-takers, and the locker area will be monitored by video cameras while the center is open.

Proctor's and the Testing Room's Procedures

#1 Test takers will be asked to uncover their arms and ankles, as well as empty their pockets, as part of Prometric's security standards. Before entering the testing room, test takers will be scanned using handheld metal detection equipment (with the exception of exempt individuals).

#2 In global exam centers, biometrics procedures for required programs, specifically fingerprint and ID scans, have been reintroduced. All exam takers are instructed to apply hand sanitizer before utilizing any fingerprint scanners as an added precaution.

#3 The test room will be monitored solely through existing DVR monitoring. TCAs will do physical walkthroughs every 10 minutes at the very least.

At the conclusion of the test, there are procedures to follow.

#1 Test takers will be requested to return to the reception/admin area to finish the sign-out process.

#2 Before leaving the facility, test takers should place their pen and locker key in a holding tub so that they can be cleaned for the next test taker.

Always keep in mind that thorough preparation and hard work will always help you accomplish the DHA exam. We hope that this article has helped you feel more prepared to take your exam and start working as a healthcare professional in Dubai sooner.

Searching the application requirements for the DHA exam and other qualifications can be overwhelming, especially for foreign healthcare candidates who are not acquainted with or had no knowledge of applying for the DHA exam. Due to this licensure application process for DHA, candidates are advised to seek assistance from a specialized application preparation center like NEAC Medical Exams Center. NEAC‌ is an innovative pioneer medical exams application center that offers easy and fast exam applications for DHA and will do all the work for your DHA application for the best price to avoid financial losses and delays that may cause rejections of your application.

For further inquiries about the requirements, qualifications, and fees for the DHA Exam Application, kindly email us at neac@medexamcenter.com

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