Getting Smart with NEAC: Answers to 7 FAQs about the DHA Exam Application

Getting Smart with NEAC: Answers to 7 FAQs about the DHA Exam Application

It's important to understand how the DHA application process works, especially for foreign healthcare applicants who are unfamiliar with or have no idea how to apply for the DHA exam.

And in today's article, we'll focus on the DHA exam Frequently Asked Questions in order to help candidates stay on top of the procedure before taking the DHA exam. Let's get this ball rolling!

#1 What you should know about the DHA examination?

The DHA exam is a nationwide examination for healthcare professional licenses in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The Dubai Health Authority (DHA) is administering this exam, managing medical professional licenses, and overseeing Dubai's general health system. There are different application requirements for DHA exam application based on the candidate's Professional Qualification Requirements or PQR that varies per profession.

#2 What are the stages in applying for the DHA exam?

The following are the steps in a standard DHA exam application process for foreign healthcare candidates:

STEP 1: DHA Pre Eligibility and Dataflow Application Phase

STEP 2: DHA Exam Scheduling Phase

STEP 3: Take the DHA Exam

STEP 4: Claim your DHA Prometric Exam Result

STEP 5: DHA Prof Credentialing Evaluation Phase

Check out the DHA Exam Application | Processing and Registration here to know more.

#3 Is it necessary for the candidate to travel to Dubai to register for the DHA exam?

Candidates do not need to go to Dubai to apply for the DHA exam or submit their application to the licensing body in person.

#4 Is it possible to transfer the DHA dataflow report to another Licensing Authority for the purpose of submitting an exam application?

DHA Dataflow report can be transferred and reciprocated to other Middle East licensure applications such as HAAD, OMSB, MOPH, MOH, and NHRA dataflow reports and even vice versa. If a candidate already has a Dataflow report issued to the stated exam application above, then it can be processed along with the accounts and proof of documents of the candidate's Dataflow report.

#5 Is it possible to take the DHA exam in a language other than English?

No, the DHA exams are only available in English, which is the same language used by all DHA testing centers across the globe.

#6 Is a candidate's DHA exam result marked with grading scores or ratings?

There are only two DHA exam results: pass or fail. No exam result or certificate is issued to the individual regardless of whether they pass or fail the examination.

#7 Can a candidate retake the DHA exam if they fail the first time?

Keep in mind that thorough preparation and hard work will help you pass the DHA exam. We hope this post has boosted your confidence in your ability to meet your exam and begin working as a healthcare professional in Dubai as early as possible.

Searching for the DHA exam and other qualification requirements might be difficult, especially for foreign healthcare applicants who are unfamiliar with or have no knowledge of how to apply for the DHA exam. Candidates are advised to seek assistance from a specialized application preparation center such as NEAC Medical Exams Center due to the DHA licensure application process. NEAC is an innovative pioneer medical exam application center that provides easy and fast DHA exam applications and will handle all aspects of your DHA application for the best price to minimize financial losses and delays that could result in rejections of your application.

For further inquiries about the  DHA Exam Application requirements, qualifications, and fees, kindly email us at

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